Qlik Application Extensions

QlikView™ and Qlik Sense™ Extensions Development


Commercial application for QlikView and Qlik Sense empowering users to annotate discoveries and collaborate with their team members.

Built on .NET and client - server model using WebSocket technology.
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QlikView extension that allows users to incorporate selected document objects screen captures into composed message to be sent to selected team members.
Provides admin to configure which objects are selectable for capture.

Uses email templates, Web Service with SQL Server backend and Active Directory integration.


QlikView extension to capture specified application fields and user inputs.

Employs Web Service with SQL Server backend and HTML input templates


QlikView extension to persist a variable by reading/writing a key-value pair from/to a remote server.

Engineering Applications

General and AutoCAD™ Application Development

Blocks Explorer .NET

Commercial application for AutoCAD.
Provides an intuitive Windows Explorer™ - like user interface to catalog, access, manipulate, modify and administer AutoCAD blocks
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Robotics Engineering

Imbedded Application Development

IQ Pong - smart table tennis robot

IQ Pong is an attempt to create a smart table tennis robot that responds to your voice commands during play to create the desired drill dynamically
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Application Development Technologies

Business Intelligence

QlikView and Qlik Sense APIs

Internet Development

Web Clients: JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, AJAX, Websoket, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS

Server: MVC5, EntityFramework, LINQ, WebForms, VB.NET, C#, WebSoket

Desktop Development

EntityFramework, LINQ, VB.NET, C#, Window Forms, WebSoket, Webservice, VSS

Get In touch

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